Page 137 - Masters
P. 137


                     CHAIM ISRAELI

                     Lives and works in Tel-Aviv, Israel

        SEARCH THE ARTIST ONLINE              

                                                                 while most Modern artists try to be unique, Chaim Israeli sticks to simplicity
                                                                 and that is his uniqueness. with a confident hand and attention to details,
                                                                 Israeli reveals to us his life’s landscapes. Simple scenes of today’s urban
                                                                 life  such  as  his, “Mika  with  Rollerblade”  and “Agate  on  a  Sofa”,  take  on
                                                                 different  meanings  when  Israeli  puts  paint  on  the  canvas  with  his
                                                                 meticulous  Semi  Realistic  style.  Israeli’s  interpretations  have  both  a
                                                                 realistic and an ethereal quality, where fantasy is often indistinguishable
                                                                 from reality and magical elements are reflected in true life images. Israeli
                                                                 claimed  he  never  really  left  the Abstract  concept. “I  will  never  leave  an
                                                                 area on the canvas which is not good enough to be an abstract fragment.”
                                                                 and  he  adds, “while  painting,  I  often  turn  the  canvas  upside  down  and
                                                                 sideways in order to disconnect from the subject. This way I can make my
                                                                 brushes run abstract and free, as it should be.”
                                                                 Chaim Israeli attended the famed Avni Institute of Art in Tel Aviv.  He was a
                                                                 student  of  Israel’s  most  appreciated  Abstract  painters  of  that  time,
                                                                 including  Shtreichman,  kahana,  and  Stimatzky.  Israeli  left  Abstract  few
                                                                 years after finishing school. Israeli moved into his own unique style of Semi
                                                                 Realism, a style that he believes can bring him closer to his artistic truth. In
                                                                 a  conversation  about  his  work  Israeli  said:  “I  paint  what  impresses  me
                                                                 most in my day to day life. while painting I am listening to my stomach
                                                                 trying to ignore any sophisticated ideas.”
                                                                 Thus, his works reach out from the canvas into the viewer’s heart in the
                                                                 same  manner.  In  this  sense,  Israeli’s  art  is  both  contemporary  and
                                                                 transcendent of any time or culture.
         OFIr, 2006 ACRYLIC ON CANvAS  17x21 IN. / 45x55 CM.
         OLD OLIVe tree, 2006 ACRYLIC ON CANvAS  23x31 IN. / 60x80 CM.   mIKa WItH rOLLerBLaDe, 2007 ACRYLIC ON CANvAS  23x31 IN. / 60x80 CM.

                                                                 masters of today
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