Page 134 - Masters
P. 134


                     OLGA GOUSkOVA

                     Lives and works in Brugge, Belgium

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                                                                              Often  walking  hand-in-hand  with  controversy  is  the
                                                                              sensual  female  form,  Russian  born,  Belgium-based
                                                                              artist  Olga  gouskova  certainly  knows  how  to  capture
                                                                              an audience with her paintings of beautiful and stylish
                                                                              women. gouskova’s women are sexy, melancholic and
         LeFt WINDOW, 2007 ACRYLIC ON CANvAS, SEPIA, PEN 30x30 IN. / 80x80 CM.  mysterious,  with  a  powerful  physical  intensity  and  a
         sWeet Dreams, 2007 ACRYLIC ON CANvAS, SEPIA, PEN 40x20 IN. / 100x50 CM.     subtleness  of  form  which  almost  makes  you  want  to
                                                                              caress them.

                                                                              Her female figures do in fact caress themselves, almost
                                                                              as if to emphasize the preciousness of the female body
                                                                              - the eternal source of life and love. The sinuous lines
                                                                              in  gouskova’s  paintings  convey  vibrations,  memories,
                                                                              ambivalent  feelings  and  deep  emotion  by  means
                                                                              of  the  positions  and  expressions  of  the  figures.  Her
                                                                              contemporary approach to pose, dynamic composition
                                                                              and color produces paintings that are modern, proud,
                                                                              vibrant and uniquely individual. when painting, gouskova
                                                                              uses two different techniques. First she draws the body
                                                                              with  sepia  pencil  to  make  it  look  almost  real  -  warm
                                                                              and soft, giving it a feeling of physical intensity and a
                                                                              subtleness  of  form,  outline  and  volume.  For  the  rest
                                                                              of each painting she uses acrylic and all kinds of pens
                                                                              to draw lines and small decorative details. She doesn’t
                                                                              paint the volume, using instead flat washes of color. The
                                                                              lines and patterns make the composition dynamic and

                                                                              Each of gouskova’s paintings is a story about a woman.
                                                                              It’s the way she feels, the way she is, how she hears the
                                                                              rain falling, how she feels the warmth of the sun; it’s her
                                                                              dreams and secrets, her emotions and fears. Sometimes
                                                                              people ask her why she doesn’t paint men. She says it’s
                                                                              because she doesn’t know how it feels to be a man, but
                                                                              she knows how it feels to be a woman...

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