Page 138 - Masters
P. 138


                     WILLOW HEATH

                     Lives and works in Seattle wA USA

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                                                               willow  Heath  por trays  a
                                                               keen attention to detail and
                                                               sense of spirit in each of her
                                                               paintings.  Each  figurative
                                                               painting  carries  an  air  of
                                                               hyper-realism  mixed  with
                                                               intense color, vivid depiction,
                                                               and mystery.

                                                               willow Heath has shown her
                                                               work in galleries, cafe’s, and
                                                               art  studios  for  more  than
                                                               twelve  years.  She  lives  in
                                                               Seattle  washington,  where
                                                               she  exhibits  her  paintings,
                                                               paints commission portraits,
                                                               instructs adult and children’s
                                                               painting  clas ses,  and  is
                                                               raising her son. willow paints
                                                               using water soluble oils and
                                                               acrylics. She personally mixes
                                                               the  colors  for  each  piece
                                                               using the three basic primary
                                                               colors  and  white.  She  feels
                                                               that by mixing her own colors
                                                               she  can  more  accurately
                                                               convey  her  inspiration  and
                                                               there by adding another layer
                                                               of artistry to her process. In
                                                               place of an artist’s sketchbook
                                                               willow uses her eyes and her
                                                               memory  for  light,  shadow,
                                                               and  color.  willow  Heath
                                                               is  an  artist  dedicated  to
                                                               inspiring  self-awareness,
                                                               a n d  e n v i r o n m e n t a l  a n d
                                                               social responsibility. Each of
                                                               willow’s  paintings  reflects
                                                               her  personal  meditations.
                                                               willow Heath is a member of
                                                               world  wide  women  Artists,
                                                               S e a t t l e A r t is t s.c o m,  a n d
                                                               CASA (care and share artists

                                                               willow  designed  her  class
                                                               “Meditative Painting” to offer
                                                                 masters of today
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