Page 5 - Famous
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of ads, fashion images and others. More recently, style   manner? Namely because they have only switched from
        and personal information, in the new communication       using one set of tools to another set, which are more
        paradigm, have become information packets, valid for     modern and which, in a way, level the playing field. If
        short periods of time, and then rapidly ejected from the   before, one had to master the technique, nowadays,
        system as redundant. Everything is transmitted using     the ideas can be put in practice if one has access to a
        the same digital code, and art can materialize all over   computer and the appropriate software. The result of
        the world simultaneously. The Renaissance paradigm of    their artistic pursuit is still an object though, which can
        the unique, artist-defined perspective to be perceived   be printed or rendered tri-dimensional by means of a
        by the art consumer seems to elude more than ever        printer of a rapid prototyping machine.
        a clear definition. The artist and the art consumer are
        not necessarily the origin and the destination any       Now  more  than  ever,  in  the  age  of  diversity  and
        more; they become just turning points in the complex     permanent change, when we can have a hard time
        informational flow.                                      choosing from one hundred  kinds of shampoo
                                                                 in  the  drugstore, it  is  necessary  if  not  to  operate
        There are still numerous artists that use the traditionally   categorization, to document the phenomenon and put
        established media, such as painting or sculpture, to     together a catalogue, either as an orientation for the
        convey their vision of the world. Their artwork has a    art public, or simply, such as in this case, to inventory
        craft component which cannot be ignored: in order        the variety of art forms and individual creations and/or
        to produce an artistic object, a certain set of actions   trends that are endlessly moving in front of our eyes.
        have to be understood and performed, and the desired     Due to the ascent of the internet, more and more artists
        result can be obtained only after mastering the craft    have chosen this as their primordial means of showing
        aspect.  And then, there is the other category, the artists   the public what is going on, and anthologies such as this
        who have rapidly incorporated, albeit in a transitional   serve a higher purpose, namely to document an elusive
        manner,  the  new  media,  namely  the  computer  as  a   phenomenon and bring to the fore artists who can thus
        tool of artwork creation. They still use as a referent the   understand more how their individual creations shape
        real world, and attempt to depict in a representational   the world we all live in, what is the responsibility of a
        manner what they perceive as important from the          creative consciousness, and where they stand in the
        surrounding environment, but their tools are not the     grander scheme of things.
        brush or the pencil anymore, but computer software
        which helps, by means of a limited set of preset choices,                                         Dana Altman
        to express their personal vision. Why in a transitional                                        New York, 2006

                                                                 CONTEMPORARY ARTISTS
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