Page 215 - Art-In-Vogue
P. 215

 33, 2009 DIgITAL PHOTOgRAPHY LIgHT-BOX 20X27 IN. /50X70 CM.    «
         alBerto magrin                                            AFLOAt MONK, 2005 DIgITAL PHOTOgRAPHY LIgHT-BOX 20X27 IN. /50X70 CM.
                                                                   77, 2009 DIgITAL PHOTOgRAPHY LIgHT-BOX 20X27 IN. /50X70 CM.
         Lives and works in godiasco (Pv), Italy                   BEtwEEN MALE AND FEMALE, 2003 DIgITAL PHOTOgRAPHY 20X27 IN. /50X70 CM.

                                                                  The eternity of each of his sculpture is as light as heavy was every block
                                                                  of hand-cut marble was. Every parenthesis of time is a mathematic and
                                                                  scientific maverick that stings as a doubt in every form of thought to make
                                                                  it false in an instant. Only in this way it is possible to certify the evolution of
                                                                  the case and every individual truth because every statement as every work
                                                                  of art is true and false even at the same moment where you concept it.

         a room, running inside of it with his own body but the energy wasted to
         fill up the whole space will not leave any print in time.
         In the future we'll try to occupy our time working with our own spirit.
         Each work of art will change and evolve forgetting his staticity. Art will go
         beyond the physic strength of matters, shapes, colours turning to a way
         of thinking a way of carving our own soul with the thought. Every form
         of language, the words, the flags, the borders and the mass movements
         will disappear to make visible the farmer's art in working his land even if
         it will happen on another planet. Michelangelo cut marble with an hard
         work but not for this reason in the future you must do the same.
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