Page 212 - Art-In-Vogue
P. 212
LOVE, 2011 OIL ON CANvAS 12,5X15,5 IN. /32X40 CM.
nataSa menart SABAh, 2011 OIL ON CANvAS 12,5X15,5 IN. /32X40 CM.
Lives and works in Ljubljana, Slovenia
Natasa’s life is dedicated to art. She was born on February 4, 1968 in maturity. There is a note of melancholy behind the exuberant display;
Ljubljana, Slovenia. She learned the art of painting and techniques in a mourning of the loss of childhood innocence, a regret for the trade
the studio of the well known painter Savo Sovre. of this painted utopia for a world far more complex. Dva ocesa, a
Natasa Menart’s painted characters ask innocent, unanswerable portrait, draws from Matisse’s The green Line and delicately details
questions. The Last Circus, the culmination of a deeply explored theme, a striking, slender- necked figure with solid volumes of color, boldly
portrays circus performers peering at us with cocked heads and folded juxtaposed against the dark lines of the accents and background. Taken
hands, as curious and aware as we are of them. Menart greatly varies as whole, these works fully realize the emotive capabilities of figure
the scale of the scene s three figures, a mannerist move: the figure and expression and present a unique artistic point of view, beautifully
cease to read as separate entities, but as three stages of one character illustrated. (Agora gallery, New York, USA)