Page 210 - Art-In-Vogue
P. 210

riou Jean-noËl                                          fernanDo floreS

         Lives and works in Plouarzel, France                    Lives and works in Mexico City, Mexico
         THE ARTIST ONLINE                   THE ARTIST ONLINE
          LE MONOcLE, 2007 OIL ON WOOD 25X25 IN. / 60X60 CM.     BARRIcAS DE VINO, 2007 DRAWINg 18X23.6 IN. /45,5X60 CM.
                                                                 honoraBle aWarD: DIPLOMA OF EXCELLENCE
                                                                 ART NOW 2 gLOBAL ART ANNUAL ARTOTEQUE.COM
             Artiste Peintre
          autodidacte, né en
          1958, nombreuses
               en FRANCE
            depuis 1982 et
            à de nombreux
              Salons d'Art
                Peintre de
              l'onirique et
            de l'imaginaire
          fleurtant aisément
            avec le trompe
           l'oeil pour le plus
           grand plaisir des
           amateurs avertis.

         irma hinghofer-SZalkaY                                  roger Zanoni
         Lives and works in graz, Austria                        Lives and works in Cannes, France
         THE ARTIST ONLINE                  THE ARTIST ONLINE

          IcON DIVINE, 2007 MIXED MEDIA, ACRYLIC ON CANvAS 4X4 IN. /10X10 CM.   MAtERIA PRIMA, 2002 OIL ON CANvAS 40X40 IN. /100X100 CM.

          Reflexionism - as
             introduced by
            ihs art - entails                                                                           Fleeting geometry
           a lengthy virtual                                                                            at the heart of a
              process that                                                                              dream; between
             precedes the                                                                               transience and
          actual creation of                                                                            permanence, the
              the artwork.                                                                              dawn floating on
           Leading through                                                                              a thought. Silent
               a phase of                                                                               metamorphosis
              abstraction,                                                                              on the horizon of
             philosophical                                                                              a rosy universe…
              entities are                                                                              The vision of a
             expressed in                                                                               memory shadow
         terms of color and                                                                             between the
         shape, assisted by                                                                             sacred and the
          a special blend of                                                                            profane.
         background music.                                                                              (Frédérique Wallet)
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