Page 208 - Art-In-Vogue
P. 208

My stylistic research started with a strong fascination for the   I have slowly turned towards abstraction still keeping a figurative
         Surrealistic movement with Dali and de Chirico followed by an   touch in my paintings to come back like in a loop to figuration and
         impassioned move towards Matisse and Picasso. But I needed   the human shape. In fact I wanted to mix abstraction to figuration
         something else to express my true feelings. Therefore I have   and vice versa supported by a powerful use of colors.
         discovered when I left France for England a new way with the   My visual gesture is informal and spontaneous at the same time
         Scottish  School  of  expressionism  and  Francis  Bacon, Frank   impulsive and controlled. I would like to attach the constructive
         Auerbach, Leon kossoff, De kooning, kokoschka. This revelation   part produced by the use of strong colors to the illusion of
         has been a decisive turn in my creativity from a figurative approach   depth which diminish the vision plane of a picture to create

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