Page 178 - Art-In-Vogue
P. 178
Van Que BroCante, 1988 gOUACHE 20X25,5 IN. /50X65 CM.
Lives and works in Les Pennes Mirabeau, France
As a young child you discover a world full of the unknown, made up of
the marvelous but also of dark fears, a world where everything seems
possible. Of course you feel your way forward, you try things, sometimes
it can be painful like when you fall off your little tricycle and you discover
the cruelty of the world when the older children burst out laughing. In spite
of these mishaps, you keep, at the bottom of your heart, an unshakeable
faith in your own possibilities. The fact that no other human being has ever
been able to fly does not deter you. No matter, you will be the exception!
In any case miracles and exceptions were laid in your cradle thanks to the
fairy tales and legends, the songs and even the affirmations of adults. Our
personality develops. It becomes both our frame-work and our prison. This
artist creates HIS OWN universe into which he invites others. What joy to
feel your message getting through to others, what emotion to perceive you
are on the same wavelength without needing to express it in words! Then
you want to go further, you dream, as always, of absolute communication,
of understanding and reproducing the spirit of things. But an artist’s life is
not always a bed of roses. There are moments when you feel a profound
satisfaction in front of a finished work, as if you had finally reached the heart
of things. At other times, things escape you and you produce something
that is despairingly commonplace, something worse than a bad photograph,
something totally devoid of inspiration. Excerpt. (Farewell speech)
ilSe kleYn POP ARt NuDE I, ACRYLIC ON STRETCHED CANvAS 11,5X15,5 IN. / 29,5X39,5 CM.
Lives and works in Brackenfell, South Africa POP ARt NuDE III, ACRYLIC ON STRETCHED CANvAS 11,5X15,5 IN. / 29,5X39,5 CM.
I am intrigued with the
human form, mind and
spirit. I strife to capture the
human being's character.
To portray the essence
of the soul, the human
being's frustration, pride,
strength, love, wisdom
and passion.My work is
evolving in a style of my
own, precise, full of detail,
rich with color and depth. It
is growing as I am growing.
It is my passion to paint
time-less paintings with a
message to all generations.
Not just a peace of art to
decorate a room.