Page 175 - Art-In-Vogue
P. 175

         auDreY meYer - munZ                                     PARIS 29X23X4 IN. /75X60X10 CM.  «
                                                                  SOPhIE & MOShE, 2010 CERAMIC TILES, BEADS, MILLEFIORI, vITREOUS gLASS ON PLY-
         Lives and works in Tel Aviv, Israel                     WOOD PANEL 23X15 IN. /60 X 40 CM.  «
                                                                  AFRI-cAROB, 2008 CERAMIC TILES, BEADS, CORALS ON WOODEN DOOR 30X14 IN. /77X37 CM.   «
                                                                  ScOPPIO DI cOLORI, 2006 SMELT ON PLYWOOD PANEL 20X29 IN. /52X74 CM.
                                                                  AMI, 2006 CERAMIC TILES ON PLYWOOD PANEL 20X16 IN. /61X41 CM.
         In my creative process, I came to realize that I love to explore the   Consequently, I have felt the need to bring two terms to life: one is who I
         incident, the idea might be there, but the path is not clear. The   am and second is what I do. Audrey Meyer–Munz is a mosaic composer.
         execution is a wandering process I'm thrilled about. So, every new   The act of creative composition is akin to a musical creation where
         project is a new journey to creativity with its moments of pauses,   individual stones are forming a visual language in a synthetic manner.
         vibes, distances or drives. No matter if my creation is abstract or   And what I do is creating Picto-mosaics: A multitude of fragments
         figurative, the essence is cadence and the composition is my drive.   invade a surface that becomes a pictorial whole. A panoply of stones
         Mosaic is a juxtaposition of separate parts meant to reveal the   merges into a living language and the fractured nature of the work is
         combined power of colors, textures and shapes. Each color and   elevated to the level of powerful visual pleasure.
         texture keeps its identity; there is no mutation, but a refreshed   Martin Buber said "Play is the exultation of the possible". As said earlier,
         dialogue between these joined fragments and light. By conjugating   mosaic art is the exultation of translation. My own interpretation
         these mixed media, I am able to develop a mode of expression   becomes the leading thread throughout the work thanks to my
         which I describe as my own playfulness towards this medium.   combination of "petites histoires" found in each fragment.

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