Page 173 - Art-In-Vogue
P. 173

 MYStERY, 2007 ACRYLIC ON CANvAS 48X48 IN. /122X122 CM.    «
         mike eBrahimi                                             PERFEct IMPERFEctION, 2004 ACRYLIC ON CANvAS 36X36 IN. /91,5X91,5 CM.
                                                                   ARt OF SEDuctION, 2007 ACRYLIC ON CANvAS 36X60 IN. /91,5X152,5 CM.
         Lives and works in San Diego, California, USA


         Born in 1977, Mike Ebrahimi is a self-taught artist who started
         painting at the young age of 13-years-old.  The unique style and
         unsurpassed mastery of his paintings have made his one-of-a-kind
         works of art renown across the globe. His paintings have been
         displayed is a plethora of exhibitions, publications, museums,
         websites, and television news casts around the world. His paintings
         styles include Post-Modern, Abstract, Expressionism, Surrealism,
         Cubism, Realism, and Pop-Art, as well as a combination of them.

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