Page 40 - Trends
P. 40


                     EDUARDO PLA
                     Lives and works in Buenos aires, argentina
               artist contact
            A perfect visual operator of the immediate future: The double globalisation,   virtual reality, of the world-wide trend to live a hybrid condition between
            comprising the economic and the cultural, that accompanies our entrance   the natural and artificial life. The might of the Media, as a determining factor
            into the third millennium, emphasises the electronic fate of the image in   in this revolution, bases itself upon the superior communicative power of
            the most inexorable of ways, as far as smoothness of communication is   the image, as opposed to the traditional static means of information.
            concerned.                                           The pre-eminence of the image in motion puts an end to the immemorial
            Indissolubly linked to the incessant development of information technology   monopoly of the static image. The  notion of “art” appeared with the first
            and to its role in the globalisation process, the electronic image affirms   cave paintings, and remained linked to the notion of “information” due
            its supremacy in the visual field, fully assuming the fluidity of its condition   to its various mounts, from temple walls to church altarpieces, without
            through  the  evanescent  and  ephemeral  character  of  its  mount,  the   forgetting the palaces of noblemen. Printing and easel painting created
            television  screen. We  have  reached  the  end  of  a  long  process  that   the diversity and the hierarchy among the mounts, and contributed to the
            will radically affect our perceptive structures and our entire existential   formation of a graphic art, considered superior to the general information
            condition. We  are  witnessing  a  consolidation  of  the  profile  of  a  new   products and inferior to the one of painting. From Gutenberg to Niepce,
            civilization based upon electronics and biotechnology, the civilization of   the static status of the image, its monopoly of information and the cultural

            ALCHIMIA gALLeggIAnTe, BienaL De porto aLegre BrasiL 2001                                                 TRENDS
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