Page 35 - Trends
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                     KALOUsT GUEDEL

                     Lives and works in Los angeles california, Usa
               artist contact
                                        QUsTIOns, 2004-2008 MIxed On CAnVAs OVer BOArd 48x56 In. / 122x142 CM.
            Verbal  summarization  of  an  artist’s  work  may  introduce  a  relevant   experience only. Marcel Duchamp has eloquently pointed out ”…art
            picture, but should not be viewed as the ultimate basis upon which   history has consistently decided upon the virtues of a work of art through
            one can rely. It cannot convey the inner factors involved in the creative   considerations completely divorced from the rationalized explanations
            process  in  its  entirety,  which  may  be  known  through  a  particular   of the artist“. I create the way I feel.
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