Page 39 - Trends
P. 39
Lives and works in stockholm, sweden
artist contact DECAMERON 9HT DAY /7TH sTORY, 1986 originaL metaL pLate 39x31 in. /100x80 cm.
The Night Dat - The seventh story talano de molese dreamed, that a wolfe rent and tore his wives face
whereby (with some indifferent reason) it is concluded, that Dreames and throate. which dreame he told to her, with advise to keepe her selfe
Do not alwayes Fall out to Be Leasings. out of danger; which she refusing to doe, received what followed...
(Boccaccio 1313-1375. Translation of John Florio published in 1620 by the
London publisher Iaggard. )