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                     MARCEL PINAs [KIBRI A KULTURU]
                     Lives and works in suriname
               artist contact
                                          dO (dOOr), 2007 ACrYLIC, OIL sTICK On CAnVAs 60x80 In. /150x200 CM.
            Marcel Pinas, is a descendant of the N’dyuka maroons of Surinam, also   which make up the principal part of his work, underline his intention to
            known as the Aucaners. His art is about experiences from the past, it   preserve elements from the N’dyuka culture also in the present day.
            deals with the destruction of the N’dyuka culture in Surinam. In his work   Colours, which generally have their origin in Surinam’s multi-coloured
            he expresses that situation, also by paying attention to the protection of   nature, are liberally applied to the canvas. Significant symbols, parts
            cultures in general: Kibri a kulturu’ or ‘preserve the culture’. So this theme   of implements, pieces of fabric: there is always something extra in the
            is the soul of the work of Marcel Pinas: “The symbols that play a role in   work of Marcel Pinas. The wealth of the culture is reflected by the canvas
            my work are the motifs that are used by the N’dyuka”. Pinas’ canvasses,   and leaves its mark on the ‘objets d’art’.
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