Page 29 - Trends
P. 29
Lives and works in Fanwood, nJ, Usa
artist contact
Our world is a wondrous place. I am constantly scanning my
surroundings for the unusual point of view, the never-ending
search for the right composition.
When I look at things, it is almost like the viewfinder of my
camera is wired directly into my eyes and brain. I see abstract
beauty in almost everything that surrounds me.
This is the message I try to convey through my work. When
looking at my images, people are often puzzled and try to guess
what they are seeing. When they find out what it actually is,
they are surprised, because they never looked at the object in
a way it is depicted in my work.
In our modern society, people are so bound by dictated
standards that they have difficulty of stepping outside of the
established norm. My images make people think – and that is
a gratifying reward.
CYBOrg CATHedrAL, 2006 pHotograpHy, print 20x24 in. / 50x60 cm.
TAKen, 2006 pHotograpHy, print 20x24 in. / 50x60 cm.