Page 28 - Trends
P. 28
Lives and works in Freiburg, germany
artist contact
Surtualism (Eight Theses on Surtualism): 1/ In it being a synthesis Digital technologies are based on the power of codes; they have a
of surrealist tradition and virtual promise, “surtualism” belongs to demiurgic and not a manipulative quality. 6/ The digital artist does
the order of simulation in which the division between “the true and not reproduce reality, he recreates it. Surtual digital photography is
the false, the real and the imaginary” (Baudrillard) is suspended. correspondingly non-reproducing anti-photography. 7/ In the order of
2/ Surrealism was the visionary anticipation of vitality and of simulation the only thing that is real for the subject is his own flesh
simulation. 3/ The aim of the modern is the disenchantment of the and blood. The deconstruction of its reproduction is, as it were, the
world. The aim of surtualism (as was the aim of surrealism) is its ‘natural’ starting point for the creation of surtualist worlds. 8/ As the
enchantment. 4/ The dream of the twentieth century was to see that dichotomy between what is true and what is false is done away with,
which no man had ever seen before. The dream of the twenty-first all interpretations of surtualist worlds are able to be simultaneously
century is to create that which no man has ever created before. 5/ true and false. This also applies to these theses.
(Kytom L. 2001/2005, original text at
TOrsO 7. 2002 /2005, pHotograpHy DigitaL processeD 3087 * 3000 pixeL TRENDS