Page 45 - Trends
P. 45
Lives and works in Lublin, poland
artist contact
Since the beginning of her artistic career, Magdalena Bak focuses on constitutes Magdalena Bak’s unique characteristics of her art forms. She
selected thematic cycles which allow her to develop a given motif into has the power of creating art from down to earth objects abstracted
sequences, presenting it form various points of view and, frequently in from specific situations and endowed with a highly metaphorical mea-
a confrontational manner, and finally linking individual works of art into ning. Her suggestive works are a reflection of her own reality and very
sets with a clearly delineated leitmotif cleverly captured in the title. It is personal reflections. These highly suggestive and semantically loaded
this highly precise manner of formulating thoughts, based on a deliberate graphics by Magdalena Bak suggest a genuine talent in the making and
placement of signs in an isolated and yet clearly defined reality that excellent prospects for the future. (Excerps)
Jerzy Zywicki
InTerreAKCIOn-I TUrn TO green, 2006 SiLKScrEEn 33x47 in. / 85x120 cm.