Page 46 - Trends
P. 46


                    Dimitra Koula
                    lives and works in veria, Greece
              Artist contact
            Many things imitate art and many people imitate artists. Art doesn’t   Untitled, 1999 oil on cAnvAs 62½x72½ in. / 160x185 cm.
            obey  theories,  which  always  belie,  it  has  its  own  reason  and  is  not   the Key holder of thoUghts, 2007 mixed mediA (wood, metAl, plAstic,
            interpreted in words. Art isn’t conscripted, but belongs to the innocent.   wAtch) 7½x11½x15½ in. / 20x30x40 cm.
            It is addressed to free people, but it is very difficult, one, to understand   BUs driver, 1999 oil on  cAnvAs 70½x70½ in. / 180x180 cm
            who free people are. The artwork’s message is always poetic, even if it
            depicts Vincent van Gogh’s old shoes, or a plate of potatoes.
                                                  Dimitris Mytaras                                                   TRENDS
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