Page 252 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 252

The Decameron  still alive, in the frying pan. Afterward, the maidens, as pre-arranged,   respectfully asked the King's leave to depart, which he gave with
            caught some of the finest fish and cast them onto the table before the
                                                                   forced cheerfulness, though sorely against his will.
            King, Count Guy, and their father. The fish wriggled about the table to
            the King's prodigious delight.
                                                                   Supper ended, the King and his companions remounted their horses,
                                                                   took leave of Messer Neri, and returned to the royal quarters,
                                                                   conversing of various matters. The King, still harboring his secret
            He courteously returned some of them to the girls, and they continued
            this sport until the servant had cooked the fish given to him. By Messer
                                                                   Fair, for whose sake he also loved her twin sister, was so ensnared
            Neri's command, the cooked fish were set before the King as a side
            dish rather than as anything very rare or delicious.   passion and unable to forget the beauty and sweetness of Ginevra the
                                                                   by Love that he could scarcely think of anything else. Feigning other
                                                                   reasons, he consorted familiarly with Messer Neri and frequently visited
            When the girls saw that all the fish were cooked and that there was no   his garden to see Ginevra. At length, unable to endure his suffering
            need to catch any more, they came out of the pond. Their fine white   any longer and unable to devise another solution, he revealed both
            garments clung closely to their bodies, hiding scarcely any part of their   his love and his plan to Count Guy. The Count, being a good and true
            delicate forms. They took up the items they had brought and, passing   man, made this reply:
            modestly before the King, returned to the house. The King, the Count,
            and the other gentlemen had regarded the maidens with great attention   "Sire, your tale causes me not a little astonishment, especially because
            and had all inwardly praised them for being fair, shapely, sweet, and   I have known more of your conversation from your childhood to this
            charming. However, it was in the King's eyes that they especially found   very day than any other man. No such passion did I ever mark in you,
            favor. As they came out of the water, the King had scanned each part   even in your youth, when Love should more readily have fixed you with
            of their bodies so intently that he would not have felt it if someone   his fangs. Now, when you are already on the verge of old age, it is so
            had pricked him. His thoughts dwelling on them afterward, though he   strange and surprising that you should truly love that I deem it little
            knew not who they were or how they came to be there, he felt a most   short of a miracle. Were it appropriate for me to reprove you, I know
            ardent desire to please them. He knew very well that if he did not take   well the language I should use, considering that you are yet in arms in
            care, he would grow enamored, though he could not decide which of   a realm but lately won, among a people as yet unknown to you, wily
            the two pleased him more, so alike were they.          and treacherous in the extreme. The gravest anxieties and matters
                                                                   of high policy engross your mind, so that you are not yet able to sit
            After brooding for a while, he turned to Messer Neri and asked who the   down. Nevertheless, amid all these weighty concerns, you have given
            two young women were. "Sire," replied Messer Neri, "they are my twin   harbor to false, flattering Love. This is not the wisdom of a great king
            daughters, Ginevra the Fair and Isotta the Blonde." The King praised   but the folly of a feather-brained boy. Moreover, what is far worse, you
            them loudly and urged Messer Neri to arrange their marriages. Messer   say you are resolved to despoil this poor knight of his two daughters,
            Neri hesitated, saying he no longer had the means. With nothing left   whom, entertaining you in his house and honoring you to the best
            to serve but the fruit, the two young women returned in fine taffeta   of his power, he brought into your presence all but naked, testifying
            gowns, bearing two large silver trays full of various fruits of the season.   thereby how great his faith in you is and how assured he is that you
            They set them on the table before the King, then withdrew a little and   are a king and not a devouring wolf. Have you so soon forgotten that
            began to sing a song to music.                         it was Manfred's outrageous treatment of his subjects that opened
                                                                   the way for you into this realm? What treachery was he ever guilty of
            The melody was so sweet and delightful that to the King, his eyes   that better merited eternal torment than it would be for you to wrest
            and ears alike charmed, it seemed as if all the nine orders of angels   from one who honorably treats you both his hope and his consolation?
            had  descended  to  sing.  When  the  song  ended,  they  knelt  and   What would be said of you if you did so? Perhaps you think it would
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