Page 249 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 249

the last degree beloved by a great and noble baron, Messer Ansaldo   hard by the city one of the most beautiful gardens that was ever seen,
            Gradense by name, a man of no little consequence, and whose fame for   with no lack of grass and trees and fruits of all sorts. At sight whereof
            feats of arms and courtesy was spread far and wide. But, though with   Messer Ansaldo was overjoyed, and caused some of the finest fruits
            all a lover's ardor he left nought undone that he might do to win her   and flowers that it contained to be gathered, and privily presented to
            love, and to that end frequently plied her with his ambassages, 'twas   his lady, whom he bade come and see the garden that she had craved,
            all in vain. And the lady being distressed by his importunity, and that,   that thereby she might have assurance of his love, and mind her of the
            refuse as she might all that he asked of her, he nonetheless continued   promise that she had given him and confirmed with an oath, and, as a
            to love her and press his suit upon her, bethought her how she might   loyal lady, take thought for its performance. When she saw the flowers
            rid herself of him by requiring of him an extraordinary and, as she   and fruits, the lady, who had already heard not a few folk speak of the
            deemed, impossible feat. So one day, a woman that came oftentimes   wondrous garden, began to repent her of her promise. But for all that,
            from him to her being with her: "Good woman," quoth she, "thou hast   being fond of strange sights, she hied her with many other ladies of the
            many a time affirmed that Messer Ansaldo loves me above all else; and   city to see the garden, and having gazed on it with wonderment, and
            thou hast made proffer to me on his part of wondrous rich gifts which   commended it not a little, she went home the saddest woman alive,
            I am minded he keep to himself, for that I could never bring myself to   bethinking her to what it bound her: and so great was her distress that
            love him or pleasure him for their sake; but, if I might be certified that   she might not well conceal it; but, being written on her face, 'twas
            he loves me as much as thou sayst, then without a doubt I should not   marked by her husband, who was minded by all means to know the
            fail to love him, and do his pleasure; wherefore, so he give me the   cause thereof. The lady long time kept silence: but at last she yielded
            assurance that I shall require, I shall be at his command." "What is it,   to his urgency, and discovered to him the whole matter from first to
            Madam," returned the good woman, "that you would have him do?"   last. Whereat Giliberto was at first very wroth; but on second thoughts,
            "This," replied the lady; "I would have this next ensuing January, hard   considering the purity of the lady's purpose, he was better advised, and
            by this city, a garden full of green grass and flowers and flowering   dismissing his anger: "Dianora," quoth he, "'tis not the act of a discreet
            trees, just as if it were May; and if he cannot provide me with this   or virtuous lady to give ear to messages of such a sort, nor to enter
            garden, bid him never again send either thee or any other to me, for   into any compact touching her chastity with any man on any terms.
            that, should he harass me any further, I shall no longer keep silence,   Words that the ears convey to the heart have potency greater than is
            as I have hitherto done, but shall make my complaint to my husband   commonly supposed, and there is scarce aught that lovers will not find
            and all my kinsmen, and it shall go hard but I will be quit of him."   possible. 'Twas then ill done of thee in the first instance to hearken, as
            The gentleman being apprised of his lady's stipulation and promise,   afterwards to make the compact; but, for that I know the purity of thy
            notwithstanding that he deemed it no easy matter, nay, a thing almost   soul, that thou mayst be quit of thy promise, I will grant thee that which,
            impossible, to satisfy her, and knew besides that 'twas but to deprive   perchance, no other man would grant, being also swayed thereto by
            him of all hope that she made the demand, did nevertheless resolve   fear of the necromancer, whom Messer Ansaldo, shouldst thou play
            to do his endeavor to comply with it, and causing search to be made   him false, might, peradventure, cause to do us a mischief. I am minded,
            in divers parts of the world, if any he might find to afford him counsel   then, that thou go to him, and contrive, if on any wise thou canst, to
            or aid, he lit upon one, who for a substantial reward offered to do the   get thee quit of this promise without loss of virtue; but if otherwise it
            thing by necromancy. So Messer Ansaldo, having struck the bargain   may not be, then for the nonce thou mayst yield him thy body, but not
            with him for an exceeding great sum of money, gleefully expected the   thy soul." Whereat the lady, weeping, would none of such a favor at
            appointed time. Which being come with extreme cold, insomuch that   her husband's hands. But Giliberto, for all the lady's protestations, was
            there was nought but snow and ice, the adept on the night before the   minded that so it should be.
            calends of January wrought with his spells to such purpose that on the
            morrow, as was averred by eyewitnesses, there appeared in a meadow   Accordingly, at dawn the next day, dressed modestly, and accompanied
                                                                                                           The Decameron
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