Page 248 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 248

especially Niccoluccio, are now of another opinion than you were a brief   The Tenth Day | The Fifth Novell
          The Decameron  her from me." None answered, for all were intent on hearing what more   Madame Dianora, pursued by Signior Ansaldo, asked him for an
            while ago, the lady rightly belongs to me, nor can any man lawfully reclaim
                                                                   Storyteller: Emilia
            he would say. But, while Niccoluccio and some others there wept for
            sympathy, Messer Gentile stood up, took the little boy in his arms and the
                                                                   impossible task: a garden full of flowers in January. With the help
            lady by the hand, and approached Niccoluccio, saying: "Rise, my friend. I
                                                                   of a magician, Ansaldo fulfilled her request. Her husband, Signior
            do not, indeed, restore you your wife, whom your relatives and hers cast
            forth; but I am minded to give you this lady, my friend, with this her little
                                                                   generosity, released her from the promise.
            boy, whom I know well to be your son, and whom I held at the font and   Gilberto, consented to her promise. Ansaldo, moved by Gilberto's
            named Gentile. I pray you that she be not the less dear to you for that
            she has tarried three months in my house; for I swear to you by that God,
            who, perhaps, ordained that I should be enamored of her, to the end that
            my love might be, as it has been, the occasion of her restoration to life,
            that never with her father, or her mother, or with you, did she live more
            virtuously than with my mother in my house." Which said, he turned to
            the lady, saying: "Madam, I now release you from all promises made to
            me, and so deliver you to Niccoluccio." Then, leaving the lady and the
            child in Niccoluccio's embrace, he returned to his seat. To receive his
            wife and son was to Niccoluccio a delight great in the measure of its
            remoteness from his hope. In the most honorable terms at his command,
            he thanked the knight, whom all the rest, weeping for sympathy, greatly
            commended for what he had done, as did also all who heard thereof.
            The lady, welcomed home with wondrous cheer, was long a marvel to
                                                                   1985 HAND COLORED AQUA TINTA / AQUA FORTE
            the people of Bologna, who gazed on her as one raised from the dead.
                                                                   29,5X19,5 CM. | 11¾X7½ IN. (IMAGE SIZE).
            Messer Gentile lived ever after as the friend of Niccoluccio and his and
            the lady's relatives. Now, what shall be your verdict, gracious ladies?

            A king's generosity, though it was of his scepter and crown, an abbot's   Each of the cheerful company had with superlative commendation
            reconciliation, at no cost to himself, of a malefactor with the Pope, or   extolled Messer Gentile to the skies, when the king bade Emilia follow
            an old man's submission of his throat to the knife of his enemy—will   suit; and with a good courage, as burning to speak, thus Emilia began:
            you judge that such acts as these are comparable to the deed of Messer   "Delicate my ladies, none can justly say that 'twas not magnificently
            Gentile? Who, though young and burning with passion, and deeming   done of Messer Gentile; but if it be alleged that 'twas the last degree of
            himself justly entitled to that which the heedlessness of another had   magnificence, 'twill perchance not be difficult to show that more was
            discarded and he by good fortune had recovered, not only tempered   possible, as is my purpose in the little story that I shall tell you. In Friuli,
            his ardor with honor but, having that which with his whole soul he had   a country which, though its air is shrewd, is pleasantly diversified by
            long been bent on wresting from another, did with generosity restore it.   fine mountains and not a few rivers and clear fountains, is a city called
            Assuredly none of the feats aforesaid seem to me like unto this.  Udine, where dwelt of yore a fair and noble lady, Madonna Dianora
                                                                   by name, wife of a wealthy grandee named Giliberto, a very pleasant
                                                                   gentleman, and debonair. Now this lady, for her high qualities, was in
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