Page 257 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 257

So ceased Pampinea; and when all the ladies, and most of all the   Some months afterward, the friends and kinsfolk of Gisippus came to
            Ghibelline, had commended King Pedro, Filomena, by command of the   him and exhorted him, as did also Titus, to take a wife. They found him
            king, thus began: "Magnificent my ladies, who knows not that there is   a maiden, wondrous fair, of one of the most noble houses of Athens, her
            nothing so great but kings, when they have a mind, may accomplish it?   name Sophronia, and her age about fifteen years. A time was appointed
            As also that it is of them that magnificence is most especially demanded?   for their nuptials, and one day, when it was near at hand, Gisippus bade
            Now whoever, being powerful, does that which it appertains to him to   Titus come see the maiden, whom as yet he had not seen. They came
            do, does well; but therein is no such matter of marvel, or occasion of   into her house, and she sat between them. Titus, as he were fain to
            extolling him to the skies, as in his deed, of whom, for that his power   observe with care the several charms of his friend's wife that was to
            is slight, less is demanded. Wherefore, as you are so profuse of your   be, surveyed her with the closest attention. Being delighted beyond
            words in exaltation of the fine deeds, as you deem them, of monarchs,   measure with all that he saw, he grew enamored of her with a love as
            I make no manner of doubt, but that the doings of our peers must   ardent, albeit he gave no sign of it, as ever lover bore to lady. After they
            seem to you yet more delectable and commendable, when they equal   had tarried a while with her, they took their leave and went home. Titus
            or surpass those of kings. Accordingly, it is a transaction, laudable and   repaired to his chamber and gave himself over to solitary musing on
            magnificent, that passed between two citizens, who were friends, that   the damsel's charms. The longer he brooded, the more he burned for
            I purpose to recount to you in my story.               her. Reflecting on this, having heaved many a fervent sigh, he began to
                                                                   commune with himself: "Ah! Woe worth thy life, Titus! Whom makest
            I say, then, that in the time of Octavianus Caesar, not yet called Augustus,   thou the mistress of thy soul, thy love, thy hope? Knowest thou not that
            but being in the office called Triumvirate, swayed the empire of Rome,   by reason as well of thy honorable treatment by Chremes and his kin
            there dwelt at Rome a gentleman, Publius Quintius Fulvus by name,   as of the wholehearted friendship that is between thee and Gisippus, it
            who, having a son, Titus Quintius Fulvus, that was a very prodigy of wit,   behoves thee to have his betrothed in even such pious regard as if she
            sent him to Athens to study philosophy, and to the best of his power   were thy sister? Whither art thou suffering beguiling love, delusive hope,
            commended him to a nobleman of that city, Chremes by name, who was   to hurry thee? Open the eyes of thine understanding, and see thyself,
            his very old friend. Chremes lodged Titus in his own house with his son   wretched man, as thou art; obey the dictates of thy reason, refrain thy
            Gisippus and placed both Titus and Gisippus under a philosopher named   carnal appetite, control thine inordinate desires, and give thy thoughts
            Aristippus, to learn of him his doctrine. The two youths, thus keeping   another bent; join battle with thy lust at the outset, and conquer thyself
            together, found each other's conversation so congruous with his own   while there is yet time. This which thou wouldst have is not meet, is not
            that there grew up between them a friendship so close and brotherly   seemly: this which thou art minded to ensue, thou wouldst rather, though
            that it was never broken by anything but death; nor knew either rest or   thou wert, as thou art not, sure of its attainment, eschew, hadst thou
            solace save when he was with the other. Gifted alike with pre-eminent   but the respect thou shouldst have, for the claims of true friendship. So,
            subtlety of wit, they entered on their studies and, with even pace and   then, Titus, what wilt thou do? What but abandon this unseemly love,
            prodigious applause, scaled together the glorious heights of philosophy.   if thou wouldst do as it behoves thee?"
            In this way of life, to the exceeding great delight of Chremes, who
            treated Titus as no less his son than Gisippus, they continued for full   But then, as he remembered Sophronia, his thoughts took the contrary
            three years. At the end whereof, it befell (after the common course of   direction, and he recanted all he had said, musing on this wise: "The
            things mundane) that Chremes (being now aged) departed this life. They   laws of Love are of force above all others; they abrogate not only the
            mourned him with equal grief as a common father, and the friends and   law of human friendship but the law Divine itself. How many times ere
            kinsfolk of Chremes were alike at a loss to determine which of the two   now has father loved daughter, brother sister, step-mother step-son?
            stood in need of more consolation upon the bereavement.  Aberrations far more notable than that a friend should love his friend's
                                                                   wife, which has happened a thousand times. Besides which, I am young,
                                                                                                           The Decameron
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