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                     MARTA dIMITRESCU

                     Lives and works in Stockholm, Sweden and London, Uk

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        Art gives rise to and establishes new forms of behavior especially if it is   a result of historical - artistic process in whose context we will be able to
        considered from the point of view of propaganda, of the distribution, of the   understand its full meaning. In this way the history of art itself becomes a
        process of communication and of the means of expression. Therefore it   way of researching and of viewing the world. Among these considerations
        is unthinkable to study a work of art by trying to ascertain “what is being   of a general nature the more strictly aesthetical question can not be left in
        said, who says it, to whom and what the effects are.” In fact art is a form   the background: how we can identify the nature of the beautiful and the
        of Man’s activity which is intended as a confirmation or exaltation of his   nature of art?  In fact since Plato and Aristotle the problem of nature-art
        creative skill and of his capacity                                                       relation has taken on specific
        of  expression,  therefore  he                                                           and  fundamental  valences.
        modifies  himself  and  the                                                              The  concept  of  imitation
        natural environment according                                                            and  the  purifying-or  rather
        to  a  dramatic,  ironical  etc.                                                         educational-role  of  art  that
        connection  which  goes  with                                                            was constitutional to ancient
        the individual or social needs                                                           greek  philosophy  changed
        of  a  logical  or  moral  nature.                                                       into medieval and Renaissance
        Through the qualities of a work                                                          speculation. The Middle Ages
        of  art,  criticism  should  find                                                        emphasized  the  nature  of
        essential  the  definition  and                                                          the  subordination  of  beauty
        realization of the nature and                                                            to  truth  and  justified  art  as
        originality  of  an  artist,  with                                                       an  allegory;  the  Renaissance
        a  constant  reference  to  the                                                          gave  more  autonomy  to
        general concepts of imitation,                                                           natural  beauty  but  it  always
        simulation  and  the  singular                                                           considered art as imitation, and
        artifices of the technical and                                                           the principle of verisimilitude
        stylistic  particularities.  Then                                                        as  it s  it ’s  fun dam e nt al
        the  investigation  and  study                                                           rule.  vico  and  kant  laid  the
        of the aesthetical qualities of                                                          fundamentals  of  modem
        a work of art will allow us to                                                           aesthetics.  vico  claimed
        understand  exhaustively  the                                                            that the autonomy of art is a
        processes  of  transformation                                                            form  of  pre-logical,  intuitive
        and  transfiguration  of  reality                                                        knowledge,  the  creative
        or of a certain ideas developed                                                          faculty of which is imagination;
        by  an  artist.  The  elaboration                                                        but the importance  of  vico’s
        of  philosophical  concepts                                                              aesthetics  is  linked  to  two
        and of Man’s thought follows                                                             fundamental  themes:  the
        the  course  of  the  whole                                                              relationship of art with myth
        history  of  art,  from  ancient                                                         and the identification between
        times  to  the  present  day:                                                            art  and  language  as  rules.
        therefore  it  is  necessary  to                                                         They were the first to analyze
        search  for  the  links  among                                                           critically  these  themes,
        the various classical branches                                                           nowadays  extremely  topical
        of  knowledge  in  order  to                                                             in the artistic phenomenology
        interpret artistic movements                                                             and  in  the  specify  of  literary
        and the works which characterize them critically and correctly considering   poetics, with special attention  to  the synergism  that exists among art,
        them in their connection and in their development in time. Undoubtly it is a   myth and symbol. These themes include the concept of art as creation,
        required condition to seek the reasons why a work of art becomes a subject   as expression and as communication, which are to be developed by the
        of knowledge, a phenomenon, or an idea because any artistic creation can   idealistic and neo-idealistic aesthetics of Benedetto Croce. (Excerpt)
        not be considered separately, but should be thought of as a moment and                  Andrea Pagnes, curator, writer
         amaZING aDVertIsemeNts I, 2007 COLLAgE, 40x40 IN. /100x100 CM.
                                                                 masters of today
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