Page 40 - Masters
P. 40
Lives and works in Bergen, Norway
Rolf Aamot has always been a restless and experimental artist who in as an attempt to counter power. Aamots pictures contain no mottoes, no
particular has realized the potential of developing his visual language figurations that we can identify directly with political figures, events or
through the use of technological innovations. The technological side of his current affairs – yet his entire artistic practice is deeply political.
art alone could form the subject of an entire study. Technique has never In 1966, Rolf Aamot recorded the first ”music video” on Norwegian
been his goal, however; rather it has been a means of creating images. television – using music composed by Arne Nordheim. At the time of its
In 1969, Rolf Aamot presented his works at the Munch Museum, where broadcast one year later, it was the first time television had been used
he applied the term ”visual theatre” to his work. On 24 February 1969, in as an independent visual artistic medium.
a full-page in vg, the Norwegian national daily, it was announced that a Rolf Aamots own contribution to this genre was his visual music. His
new theatre had been founded in Oslo: ”The visual Theatre, instigated visual music consisted of visual tones formed through the mechanical and
by the ”never-resting graphic artist and painter Rolf Aamot, 34, a cam- electronic-laser processing of light. Aamot has experimented with light
paigner for the artistic use of our mass media such as film, television and movement and how the interaction of these two components can
and newspapers”. be crystallized in form of an image. Aamots pictures in the form of laser
For Aamot, culture is interaction and the art he seeks to produce is art painting, film and photographs can best be perceived as presentations
that fosters and strengthens interaction. Aamot believes that modern of an electronic foundation that forms scores that can be presented in
mass media represent new public spaces and the powers that be seek to several different ways.
gain power over this public space. Anyone who today seeks power seeks
to control the media. In this perspective, Aamots artistic project appears Rolf Aamot – Digital Photopaintings by Professor Øivind Storm Bjerke
NOrtHPOLe, 2006 DIgITAL PHOTOPAINTINg 60x40 IN. /150x100 CM.
BLUe taNGO, 2006 DIgITAL PHOTOPAINTINg 31x47 IN. /80x120 CM.
BLUe WItH OVertONe, 2006 DIgITAL PHOTOPAINTINg 60x40 IN. /150x100 CM.
OmeN, 2005 DIgITAL PHOTOPAINTINg 31x47 IN. /80x120 CM.
DaNCe maCaBre, 2006 DIgITAL PHOTOPAINTINg 31x47 IN. /80x120 CM.
masters of today