Page 205 - Genius
P. 205

andrea PagneS & Verena Stenke

                     lives and works in Florence, Italy and berlin germany


        vEST-AND-PAgE: perform concept
        1. A performance is life in itself. It is
        primarily real.
        2. A visual but immaterial deliver
        as a performing action is “always
        a metaphor- a form of economic
        3  body and soul – as well as their
        movement – give evidence to reality.
        They are a laboratory of memory and
        4. We perform to investigate territories
        where ethics and aesthetics may find
        their common ground, facing the
        eternal themes of life, death, identity,
        way, ourselves, the others and the
        surrounding space.
        5. We look for a poetic action to
        interact with the limits of human
        abilities, testing those limits with an
        always-prolonged effort.  violence
        and restrain fade into the ineffable.
        Patience.  gentleness. Awareness.
        Consciousness. Decision.
        6. To prolong the duration of a poetic
        action is to create a flux of lasting
        energy throughout actual, physical
        images offered by bodies and space
        within a certain period of time.
        7.  becoming is a practice aimed to
        search for new codes of expression
        and relationship. Here reality and
        possible truths interfere together.
        Pure feelings. Source of spirit. love.
        8. Mental images, dreams, visions,
        ideas, thoughts transform from
        immaterial delivers to sensual
        impressions throughout clear physical
        actions. More than the eye, the heart
        is the foremost sensor that leads us
        as human beings to a widened, more
        open understanding of what we live
        for and where.

          sKin Deeper, 2008 PErFOrMANCE  
        speaK tHat i Can see yoU, 2007 / 2009
                       PErFOrMANCE  
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