Page 222 - Famous
P. 222


                     Lives and works in Izmir, Turkey
                                                     w w

        With her peculiar expression realized in many of her works,harmonic   static position but mostly these figurs remind us a hectic rush of daily life
        dialogue of pictures and drawings at  the same level and strengthens the   and rhythm of dance. The reason Aysegul Öneren’s paintings impress us is
        contrary between them. Even if the human figurs are clearly seen in several   they communicate human feelings,sentiments,longings and at the same
        aspects,the others have influence on us as abstract compositions.When   time mediate us tý percieve the exciting facts of the whole world.
        you look at them carefully you may think that there are some shapes in          Translation from German by Wolfgang Marx
                                                                               CHANCE GARDEN, 2005 OIL ON MDF 12X17 IN / 30X44 CM.

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