Page 224 - Famous
P. 224


                     Lives and works in Los Angelos CA and Broumana, Lebanon
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        Salwa Zeidan was born in the Bekaa valley of Lebanon. Daughter of a poet and   nature of artistic creativity and the mark she will leave on the terrain of
        a vivid student of world art and humanities, her attachment to inner world of   conceptual abstract definition. Does she paint because art is an intricate
        human feelings and contemporary art metamorphoses enlarged the perimeter   part of the fabric of her soul or simply because, art is a way of making a
        of her artistic creativity to include the simplistic yet eloquent expressions   living? We would not allow ourselves to ask such an impertinent question, for
        and forms of lyricism, romanticism and quasi-religious fervour embraced   her whole universe is versed in and imbibed with every line she draws and
        with delicate lines, curves and sensitive structural escapades. Relatively a   form she creates. Art is essential to Zeidan. Art has become a way of life for
        newcomer to the abstract world, Zeidan succeeded in attracting the interest   Zeidan. A few years ago, she was relatively unknown. Today, she is the toast
        and attention of eminent scholars and art critics at home and abroad. She   of the world art community. She believed in her work. She sincerely struggled
        began to exhibit her work  in 1989. In  2003, she won several awards including   with all the odds and fought her way to the top. She did, perhaps with tears,
        the the 4th place at the International  biennale of arts in Italy, 2004.   reluctance, determination, fear and great expectations.  Her present work is
        Today, Zeidan is looked upon as the leading figure of a new school of art in   a testimony to the perseverance, determination and persistent quest for an
        the Near and Middle East: The school of intellectual lyricism. On one hand, we   intimate universalism in art. Zeidan is a delightful messenger of the depth of
        sense a simplistic expression of abstract structure, and on the other hand, an   the human soul, rebelliously  and yet gently flirting with our emotions on the
        avalanche of emotions and deep feelings emerge through her autonomous   universe of her linen. Zeidan’s eloquent simplicity, uncharged but emotionally
        lines and compositions, always depicted in intellectual surrealism and religious   structured compositions and artistic depth  redefined the beauty, the revered
        architecture. The depth of her work is not freely expressed in complex   and the transcendental expressions of romantic intellectualism in abstract
        structures and metaphoric colors but, rather in evocative messages which   art. In my book, she is one of the best  artists of her generation. A new wave
        emerge from within, perhaps from a more complex internal and emotional   of talented artists so much needed to bring tranquility and transcendental
        struggle between the urgent necessities of a modern art, the competitive   beauty to our troubled world.
                                                                                                              Peggy North
         UNTITLED, 2006 ACRYLIC ON CANVAS 40X40 IN. / 100X100 CM.
           UNTITLED, 2004 ACRYLIC ON CANVAS 14X14 IN. / 36X36 CM.          UNTITLED, 2006 ACRYLIC ON CANVAS 47X40 IN. / 120X100 CM.       

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