Page 218 - Famous
P. 218
Lives and works in Haifa, Israel
nira _raz@
The source of my need to create art is unknown to me. I know that I need to to top and my flow runs from top to bottom, a sort of going back to the source
create. I like the excitement of a new beginning. of life, to the seed, to the beginning. In a tree trunk, cut across into sections, I
I enjoy the process of creating. Probably, this is why I am attracted to the search in depth against its fiber. There, where one can see the past time, the
subject of Beginning and Creation.. The materials which I encounter allure my history of the tree, I look for marks of occurrences and I rejuvenate them and
imagination. Life in a dead wood, the process of change of phase of bronze, create a new existence.
entice me to dwell on the subject matter of Creation. Retaining, as much as My bronze works are affected by years of watching the casting process in a
possible, the essence and character of the media, following its inner structure, foundry, where my workshop is situated. Always, anew, I am overwhelmed by
I search for my new creation, small scale ones and personal. Some light here, the changing phase of the material from a boiling hot liquid into a stiff hard form.
a new bud there, here an emergence, there a flow. My inability to grasp the I use the bronze freely flowing on the floor, where upon touching it, it bubbles
wonder of the Creation and my personal feeling of nothingness against the and pops till it freezes forming arbitrary shapes. It suggests a sort of primordial
forbidding greatness of the universe as opposed to the feeling that mankind is occurrence. I am not trying to describe the biblical stories of Creation. It is told
the center of the universe, balance one another. These opposing notions ground in a few sentences, as a six days process. The rest is left to the belief or the
me and set me in my workshop and there is the place where I search and find imagination of the reader. I use quotations from it to title some of my works
my small creations. In a tree trunk, cut alongside or across, I create new life. In because they are poetic and better suited than any title I can think of.
the elongated cuts I follow the growth and flow. The tree grows from bottom Beginning – personal notes