Page 91 - Art-in-Israel
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photography patterns, repetitive organic forms. I make use of   Applying thin coats of color and the transparent varnish enable
               the laws of physics for purposes of my artwork. With the help of   the basic material to become actively part of the artwork. The
               both the rounded shapes emerging out of the process of non-  material affects the visual as well as the textural essence of the
               mingling and with color pigments, I create the final composition   work. Whether through the canvas, or the transparent texture
               that  supports  the  basic  idea  of  my  subject.  The  work  takes   such as transparencies or perspex, the outcome will always be
               shape  as  a  consequence  of  stopping  the  process.  The  non-  different;  this  enables  me  to  create  transparent  as  well  as
               mingling of the color creates the feeling of opening and closing,   opaque works at the same time, as each one of them is relevant
               throbbing and evoking the illusion of 3-dimensional dynamism.  to  a  different  theme.  The  final  result  is  a  painting  with  a  flat
               This  method  of  work,  fluctuating  between  the  ability  of   texture  and  uniform  thickness  without  any  grainy  material;
               complete control and the situation caused by chance through   therefore  they  resemble  prints  or  photographs.  The
               the  non-mingling  of  the  materials,  is  the  phenomenon  that   transparency of the materials emphasizes the effect of organic
               brings forth the artwork. This technique makes it possible for   microscopic photography, which is the result of the process of
               me to work with a wide range of colors enriching my art. The   non-mingling  materials.  This  technique  enables  visual
               use  of  vivid  colors  such  as:  red,  turquoise,  yellow,  green,   formations  and  creates  multicolored  richness  characteristic
               different browns and their combinations coming into existence   and unique in its kind.In the past two years I was also engaged
               by  painting  semi-transparent  layers  of  color  and  mixing  them,   in three-dimensional artistic creation using different materials.
               enables the creation of an infinite range of subtle shades and   In this medium, I emphasize the combination of the object and
               forms, a rainbow of finely tuned colors.                the importance of the material and the visual effect.

              BODY TISSUES                                         UNTITLED

              2003 OIL, LACK, VARNISH ON CANVAS CM. 80X80          2003 OIL, LACK, VARNISH ON CANVAS CM. 110X90

 ART IN ISRAEL                                                                        ART IN ISRAEL
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 WORLD OF ART                                                                         WORLD OF ART
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