Page 82 - Art-in-Israel
P. 82

are  only  a  piece  of  a  puzzle,  that  we  humans,  through  science,   sun.”  This  series  deals  with  the  combination  of  processes  of
                  philosophy, and art, are trying to put together to obtain a picture   building and destruction of man and of nature.  The same grains of
                  of reality. Therefore, the paintings are created as pieces missing in   earth that cover man upon his death are used in life for building
                  a puzzle.                                            shingles that are wave-like, and for protecting him from the sun,
                                                                       the  cold,  and  the  rain.  The  manmade  shingles  also  deteriorate
                  A  sand  dune  is  often  a  representation  of  reality  for  me.  The   over time, returning to the earth and to their original structure. In
                  constant processes of destruction and creation - of the uppermost   addition,  this  work  involves  consciousness  and  human  memory,
                  layer, which is always similar but never identical to itself, and the   as they are expressed in Eccles. 1:8. The young and wholesome
                  aggregation  of  individual  grains  of  sand  to  ultimately  produce  a   feet  that  appear  at  the  top  of  the  dune  are  not  aware  of  the
                  huge,  silent  foundation  with  only  the  smallest  percentage  of   history  of  the  dune,  nor  of  the  men  buried  within.  To  the  naive
                  individuals  on  the  uppermost  layer  determining  the  final  form  -   legs everything appears as new, as though all of Creation came
                  are  metaphors  for  human  existence.  A  single  grain  of  sand   into existence along with their birth.
                  blowing in the wind may at one point fall to the bottom and serve
                  as part of the foundation, and at another time may land on top   Slides 138, 203, and 204 depict the desperate human attempt to
                  and help determine the final form and statement.     touch the sand and to touch movement. In the painting shown in
                                                                       slide 138 appear the words “Limited am I, I am human”; whereas
                  Slide 189 represents a series of works that I called “The grains of   in slide 203, the background for the hand imprint is sand, in slide
                  the earth cover and protect me wave by wave, from the burning   204,  the  background  is  a  computerized  presentation  of  Vladmir

                          OIL ON CANVAS CM. 200X150

                                        ART IN ISRAEL                          OIL ON CANVAS CM. 70X100                                                                                                                       ART IN ISRAEL
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                                         WORLD OF ART                                                                                                                                                                          WORLD OF ART
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