Page 80 - Art-in-Israel
P. 80

space,  and  how  people  decide  what  density  of  matter  will  be
                  called  matter  and  what  will  be  designated  space.  The  issue  of   The subject of image and background is expressed also in slides
                  matter  and  space  is  translated  in  a  painting  into  image  and   200,  201,  and  202.    In  these  works  I  used  Mandelbrout  shapes;
                  background.  As  in  all  works  of  art  dealing  with  image  and   these enabled me to represent the process of drops unifying to
                  background, it is the observer who decides which is image and   become a flow, and flows unifying to become a sea, in addition to
                  which is background.  Added to this then is the movement of the   the study of image and background. Slide 201, the image or the
                  smoke  that  complements  the  movement  of  the  image  with  the   background, as the viewer decides, painted in sky blue, is upon an
                  movement  of  the  background.    This  subject  is  represented  in   equation  formulated  by  Professor  Vladmir  Gontar.  If  I  am  not
                  slides 184, 185, 198, and 199.                       mistaken,  the  equation  is  the  mathematical  representation  of  a
                                                                       chemical  reaction.  Inside  the  opposing  shapes  or  the
                  The next discussion point is the interplay between layers of order   complementary  shapes,  appearing  as  yellow  images  or  as
                  and layers of chaos. In essence, it is the perspective of the person   background, is written the first chapter of Genesis. The letters are
                  assessing the situation that determines what is order and what is   written in mirror image with white paint because of the Kabalistic
                  chaos. Nature, as I understand it and per Spinoza’s thoughts, is a   tradition that tells of a white flame that came before creation in
                  phenomenon  based  upon  order.  Or,  it  may  be  called  organized   the  space  that  God  evacuated  in  order  to  make  room  for  the
                  chaos. Our ability to determine if a certain phenomenon is chaotic   creation. And the black letters, running from right to left, are only
                  or ordered is dependent upon our perspective and the tools with   a partial reflection of the Creation letters, in order to fit the limited
                  which we examine the phenomenon. This subject is symbolized in   human capacity for understanding. The central issue of slide 200
                  slides 123 and 133.

                                           CLAY AND OIL ON CANVAS CM. 340X250

                                        ART IN ISRAEL                                                                                                                                                                         ART IN ISRAEL
                                76                                                                                                                                                                                                              77
                                         WORLD OF ART                                                                                                                                                                          WORLD OF ART
   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85