Page 79 - Art-in-Israel
P. 79

other hand I grasp modern scientific understanding. As I learn to
                  grasp  them  more  correctly,  my  path  welcomes  me.  I  live  and   The movement of smoke is a motif that repeats itself often in my
                  create  in  the  Negev,  the  desert  area  of  the  state  of  Israel.  I   work.  It  is  symbolic  of  several  human  phenomena.  One  of  the
                  sincerely hope you enjoy your visit at my website.   phenomena  is  the  basic  survival  instinct  of  differentiating
                                                                       between  central  images  and  background.  As  with  all  qualities,
                  Slide  180:  This  is  representative  of  a  series  of  works  that   this  trait  contains  both  positive  and  negative  aspects.  An
                  demonstrate  the  cycles  of  creation  and  destruction  from  the   individual’s  reality  is  in  essence  a  subjective  interpretation  of
                  historical  perspective.    Since  this  particular  work  was   reality. For example, in a setting with infinite stimuli, the ability to
                  commissioned for a wine festival, the wine is the initiator of the   focus on one stimulus, or to synthesize among a limited number
                  historic  cycle.  The  cycle  begins  with  a  portrayal  of  the  grape   of  stimuli  to  obtain  one  central  meaning,  can  be  a  matter  of
                  harvest, as it appears in early-Egyptian wall paintings. Next, the   survival.    However,  being  focussed  on  one  goal  may  act  as
                  drinking of wine is portrayed, as it appears on plates from Ancient   blinders, aborting the ability to absorb further stimuli, even if they
                  Greece. Finally, the cycle is closed with a portrayal of Picasso’s   are tangible.
                  Taurus,  as  a  symbol  of  civil  war.  As  with  every  war,  after
                  destruction there is a lot of work created in order to rebuild.  Thus   The  morphology  of  the  smoke,  when  observed  at  a  specific
                  we  have  a  natural  process  of  work,  pleasure,  then  destruction.     moment in time, relates the sensation of movement together with
                  History is portrayed as order and chaos, spilling like overflowing   the illusion of boundaries that do not in reality exist. This is a good
                  wine.  The  movement  of  the  smoke  determines  the  path  of  the   example  of  how  we  deal  with  problems  concerning  matter  and
                  spilling wine.

                          PLACE                                                WAVES
                          OIL ON  PLYWOOD CM. 100X80                           OIL ON CANVAS CM. 130X100

 ART IN ISRAEL                                                                        ART IN ISRAEL
 74                                                                                                     75
 WORLD OF ART                                                                         WORLD OF ART
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