Page 82 - ART NOW Internationally Recognized Artists
P. 82

          art now             Lives and works in Velenje, Slovenia


            Iztok Šmajs- Muni is a Slovenian artist who explores
            different media and techniques to create his unique abstract
            expressionist artworks. He has developed his own series
            of works: DXO, DXOSS, DXOL, and DXOM/L, using various
            materials such as Chinese ink, felt pen, acryl bitumen,

                                                                   graphite, and pencil. These works are based on an algorithm
                                                                   that  he  invented,  which  reflects  his  artistic  character  and
                                                                   He does not use any computer devices to create his works,
                                                                   but rather relies on his hand and fingers to produce intricate
                                                                   patterns and forms. He considers his works as a form of
                                                                   contemplative reality, where he expresses his emotions and
                                                                   thoughts in a paradoxical way.
                                                                   He claims that there is no difference between humor and
                                                                   sadness, and that he laughs and cries at the same time. He
                                                                   also compares his works to the Australian aboriginal works,
                                                                   which share a similar system of dreams and symbols. His
                                                                   works are  a fascinating  discovery for  anyone interested in
                                                                   recent art and intelligent machines.
                                                                   Iztok is an extremely original and captivating Abstract
                                                                   Expressionist. His work resonates with vivid lyricism, inviting
                                                                   viewers into a realm where form, color, and perception
                                                                   intertwine in fascinating ways. His vivaciously colored
                                                                   paintings continue this enchantment. Each brushstroke
                                                                   contributes to a chromatic tapestry, weaving together
                                                                   intricate  yarns of  color.  The  resulting  patterns  create  a
                                                                  art now
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