Page 77 - ART NOW Internationally Recognized Artists
P. 77

run along the beach shooing beach walkers out of the line of Alex’s   those satellites were no real” Mike said. ”I didn’t see any rockets or
            video camera. Some people further back in the crowd by the pavilion   jets underneath them.”
            figured that a movie production was in progress. ”Is this a movie?   Alas, at that point, I had to leave for another assignment, so I missed
            dunes visitor Mike Vidakovich asked. Well sorta, I told him. ”I knew   the night spectacle, when Ignacio planned to have the spaceship
                                                                   sculptures’ lights on display for more videotaping.
             Beethoven at Heiligenstadt 1802. Mars, 2011 Digital Print 33x45 cm.  Ignacio has  a website  where  anyone  can view  the artist’s many
             Teaching At Athens, Enceladus Saturn, 2015 Digital Print 33x45 cm.   creations. And if the weather stays as warm as it has been lately,
             Arriving at Olympus Mons. Mars, 2004 Digital Print 33x45 cm.
             Afternoon at Uppsala. Mars, 2021 Digital Print 33x45 cm.  who knows what we will see next somewhere along our lakeshore.
             Irish parade Chicago. Mars, 2021 Digital Print 33x45 cm.   (Paula McHugh, The Beacher, a Weelkly Newspaper, Michigan City)
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