Page 74 - ART NOW Internationally Recognized Artists
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Spaceships Land at Dunes State Park wondering what was going on. Turns out the spaceships are actually
The last thing visitors to Dunes State Park expected to see on a balmy sculptures created by artist Ignacio Montano of Chicago. Ignacio, and
November 9th were a pair of strange-looking satellites sitting on the his nephew Eli Sotelo, and photographer Alex Plenys had come to the
sand. I got call from a friend Lynn McGrath telling me that she had dunes to capture Ignacio’s works on film in a sandy environment that
been to the beach earlier that morning and there was a story brewing, would in some ways mimic the landscape of the moon or Mars. Alex,
and I should go take a look. Approaching the beach, I noticed a U-Haul who is the official photographer for channel 23 in Chicago, said the
with electrical cable running out of the back, leading my eyes to a shots he was taking were planned for Ignacio’s website.
man with a video camera set up on a tripod. His lens was aimed at the A mostly self-taught artist, Ignacio said that he created the sculptures
two otherworldly looking objects, and a crowd had gathered around out of inspiration from the moon and Mars landings. ”I bought pieces
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