Page 80 - ART NOW Internationally Recognized Artists
P. 80

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            Irina Howard’s collection of oil paintings emerges as a captivating   Texture is another cornerstone of Howard’s work. It is a tangible presence
            symphony of texture, form, and monochromatic tonality that resonates   that one can almost feel through the eyes. The brushwork is meticulous,
            with an ethereal quality, seldom seen in contemporary art. Her works, an   every stroke deliberates, contributing to an overarching sense of intention
            intricate ballet of contrasts, demonstrate a profound understanding of the   that permeates her collection. The surfaces of her paintings are not merely
            medium’s potential, and invite viewers into a world where the boundaries   visual; they are landscapes that beckon to be traversed, revealing the
            between the physical and the metaphysical blur.        topography of her creative vision. One cannot ignore the organic forms that
            Upon first glance, one is immediately struck by Howard’s masterful use of   recur throughout her pieces. These elements, at times, suggest the natural
            monochrome. Far from limiting, her palette is a testament to the power of   world with a nod to the flora or the cellular, while at others, they evoke
            restraint, and within it, she finds a boundless spectrum of greys that ebb   a cosmic scale, suggesting celestial bodies and the vastness of space.
            and flow with a life of their own. This conscious limitation of color thrusts   These forms coalesce in harmony, sometimes in symmetrical patterns that
            the focus onto form, light, and shadow, allowing each element to play a   suggest the natural order, at other times in more chaotic arrangements
            pivotal role in the storytelling of each canvas.       that hint at the complexity and unpredictability of life.
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