Page 201 - Art-In-Vogue
P. 201

 anD So loVe groWS, 2010 ACRYLIC ON LINEN 31X23 IN. /80X60 CM.    «
         JaSmine manSBriDge                                        i am home iii, 2011 ACRYLIC ON LINEN 55X35 IN. /140X90 CM.
                                                                   You anD me, 2010 ACRYLIC ON LINEN 31X23 IN. /80X60 CM.
         Lives and works in Hamilton, victoria, Australia          loVelanD, 2005 ACRYLIC ON CANvAS 70X47 IN. /180X120 CM
                                                                   WilD territorY romanCe, 2004 ACRYLIC ON CANvAS 47X40 IN. /120X100 CM.

         Jasmine stated that the above had broadened her ideas about
         people and places and influenced her way of seeing the world
         around her. The place that the Artist has resided for the longest
         period of time is katherine in the Northern Territory. Here she
         lived for almost twelve years, during this time she had close
         contact with several Indigenous artists. She explained that the
         landscape and the lifestyle of the Northern Territory had quite
         an impact on the visual component of her early work.

         In 2002 Jasmine spent a year studying for a Bachelor of visual
         Arts through the Curtin University in Perth. She credited this
         study as providing her with “all the basics of painting”. She has
         attended workshops to further build on her knowledge whenever
         the opportunity has arisen.

         In 2005, after a successful solo show at the June Tapp Artspace
         in the Northern Territory, Jasmine had a solo exhibition at the
         Art Moment gallery at Bondi Beach in Sydney. Since that time
         her work has been shown in numerous group shows, including
         another solo show at the Mimosa gallery in New South Wales.
         The artist has recently moved to country  victoria and said
         that she would be exploring opportunities for exhibiting in

         Jasmine explains her work in the following statement, “I like to
         use imagery to convey a particular idea or feeling and I hope

                                                                  that the viewer will be engaged to think about a topic or idea
                                                                  in a way that they might not have before, I hope that the viewer
                                                                  can relate to some element within the painting. I spent the early
                                                                  years of painting, expressing things that were more related to
                                                                  my own personal life and situation, now I tend to look more at
                                                                  the shared human condition.

                                                                  Maybe that is me maturing in my work. Painting has always been
                                                                  an important way for me to make sense of the world around me.”
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