Page 195 - Art-In-Vogue
P. 195

         marY ann WakeleY                                         BREAKthROuGh, 2009 MIXED MEDIA ON PLYWOOD 9X9 IN. /22,5X22,5 CM.    «
                                                                  whItE LIGht AND FANtASIES, 2009 MIXED MEDIA ON PLYWOOD 11.7X12 IN. /29,5X30 CM.    «
         Lives and works in Wynnewood, PA, USA                    LE MEILLEuR MOMENt DE L'AMOuR c'ESt quAND ON MONtE L'EScALIER, 2009 MIXED MEDIA
                                                                 ON PLYWOOD 40X40 IN. /101,5X101,5 CM.    «
                                                                  DES REStES DE DéSIR, 2009 MIXED MEDIA ON PLYWOOD18X18 IN. /45,5X45,5 CM.
                                                                  PRINcIPLES OF uNcERtAINtY, 2009 MIXED MEDIA ON PLYWOOD 23X23 IN. /58X58 CM.

         Living and working in the suburbs north and west of Philadelphia   immediate and engaging. Rarely taking breaks, painting is as necessary
         known as the Main Line, Mary Ann Wakeley expresses her inner world   to her daily routine as taking meals. It is not who she is, but more
         through the language of color and line. Born in 1961, Wakeley is a self   accurately an expression of experience. Each work is a conversation
         taught painter. She has been exploring her inner landscape through   with self about what is taking place in the moment.
         abstract art since 2003 when she began using color and line as a sort
         of visual Braille for self discovery.                    Using acrylics and pastels, she paints to music letting it take her out
                                                                  of the physical realm. This allows the essence of feelings to bubble
         Wakeley is best known for her use of color as subject which sets the   up to the surface where they are then translated onto the wooden
         tone for every work. However, color alone is not truly the subject. Depth   support into a visual coherency. The recent series of horizon paintings
         of human emotion is what is really conveyed—joy, sensual pleasure,   reflects her love of line and the potential that exists within it. Wakeley
         and adventure mingle with a measure of tension and uncertainty to   explores the horizon line as a creative starting point. Much as a crevice
         keep things interesting. She paints daily allowing the art to carry her   in consciousness, it represents the birthplace of forms from spiritual
         spirit directly into the painting to say what needs to be said and feel   into physical reality where they emerge, co-exist, intertwine, multiply
         whatever is there. Because of this delivery, the viewer’s response is   and divide - a beautiful representation of the nature of life itself

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