Page 193 - Art-In-Vogue
P. 193

 JuSt FEEL It (1), 2006 OIL ON LINEN 18X21,5 IN. /46X55 CM.    «
         SiSko linnea ruSkokiVi-runeBerg                           JuSt FEEL It (2), 2006 OIL ON LINEN 18X21,5 IN. /46X55 CM.
         Lives and works in Helsinki, Finland
                                                                  I paint spontaneously and through intuition - our inner reality is
                                                                  understood through intuition - and that is why it is universal. My
                                                                  paintings come from the unconscious and I believe that the universal
                                                                  character of my works speaks to the viewer in a visual language based
                                                                  on common experience of humanity. I hope that my paintings "Just feel
                                                                  it" touch others at the same level what I call "the deep mind". Let's
                                                                  meet each other there! Let yourself feel my painting as just you feel it..

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