Page 19 - Art-In-Vogue
P. 19

 uNcONNEct III, 2007 MIXED MEDIA ON CANvAS 55X47 IN. /140X120 CM.    «
         hanSen thiam Sun                                          90% FuLL III, 2007 ACRILYC ON CANvAS 47X40 IN. /120X100 CM.
                                                                   90% FuLL II, 2007 ACRILYC ON CANvAS 47X40 IN. /120X100 CM.
         Lives and works in Bubud, Bali, Indonesia


         Hansen was born in 1960 in Toho, a beautiful and pristine hamlet in West   yacht  manufacturing company as  a designer  and  technical  drawing
         kalimantan (Borneo). The purity and beauty of the environment in which   specialist. During this time, Hansen took a Yacht design specialization study
         he  grew  up  stimulated  young  Hansen  to  become  deeply  interested  in   at Westlawn School of Yacht Design in Connecticut. While continuing the
         visual arts, especially drawing, a hobby that became deeply embedded in   cultivation of his artistic talent in the United States, Hansen was directly
         his life even in adulthood. He has had his share of overseas travels and   influenced by an architect and painter, Ms. georgian. Under her guidance, he
         adventures. He returned to Indonesia in 1990 and resided in Bandung, West   developed his own sense of style marked by an original and distinctive play
         Java for 13 years until he moved to Bali in 2003. In 1967, Hansen served   of strokes that are characteristically simple and spontaneous. Yet his works
         as an apprentice to a painter who instilled in the boy's young mind a solid   overflow with reflections of life in its myriad manifestations - reflection
         foundation that later became essential to his artistic development. In 1980,   that are both subtle and philosophical. As a result, the artist developed a
         he studied mechanical design in Taipei, Taiwan. Simultaneously, he seized   unique style that is a mixture of semi-abstract and minimalist art. While
         this opportunity to study abroad as a vehicle to further develop his artistic   refining his painting skills aboard, on the professional side, HANSEN created
         talent. Soon after graduating from college 1984, he worked for an American   numerous spectacular designs in the boating industry.

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