Page 23 - Art-In-Vogue
P. 23

 DOcuMENtS (THEY ALL TURN OUT FROM ONE CENTRE) 1990 gOUACHE 31,5X23,5 IN. /80X60 CM.    «
         rien VÖrgerS                                             EIGhth-RELIEF, 1996 ACRYLIC ON PANEL 40X28 IN. /100X70 CM.    «
                                                                  VOLcANO, 1994 ACRYLIC ON PANEL 29X20,5 IN. /74X53 CM.
         Lives and works in Enschede, The Netherlands             LIttER, 1999 ACRYLIC ON PANEL WITH RELIEF 27,5X20 IN. /70X50 CM.


         of inexorable quality working scrupulously careful, like a monk”.   Rien  vörgers (b. 1923) followed a five year schooling in classic
         He writes further in his daily paper: “Even though Rien never ends   painting on Art Academy level in his home town, which became later
         looking for problems, their solution lies always in the transparent   the well-known Academy of Art in Enschede, The Netherlands. This
         representation of them.   A gun that shoots cigarettes, which   meant working in ink, gouache, pastel, oil and any further known
         explode like crawfish, forces the fuming spectator to stop smoking.   techniques. He started decorating theatre stages, and undertook
         His art has the impact of a pamphlet, but is also tasteful enough   in his younger years a three year long artistic journey throughout
         for people with a healthy appetite for attractive art".  the Indonesian archipelago.

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