Page 147 - Art-In-Vogue
P. 147
elena DiaDenko-hunter
Lives and works in Chicago, IL, USA
ALLEY LIFE, 2005 ACRYLIC ON CANvAS 16X20 IN. / 40X50 CM. «
NEw YORK - chIcAGO, 2005 ACRYLIC ON CANvAS 24X36 IN. / 60X91 CM.
twO hORSES IN LOVE, 1993 OIL ON CANvAS 24X48 IN. / 60X121 CM.
I think art can provoke people into thinking about the world's problems
today and how to solve them by learning to connect to their fellow
human beings. The world needs more kindness, understanding and
tolerance. Also, most of my art centers round the idea of empowered
women. My art motivates women to be more independent, feminine
and self-aware. Women need to think more highly of themselves as
mothers, daughters, and sisters. Beauty is an overrated quality in
today's society. Inner beauty is more important. My art portrays strong
women with inner beauty. With technological advances, the world is
becoming a smaller place. Art is losing its originality in many ways.
Too much emphasis is on commercial rather than true creativity. We
need new, fresh ideas and movements. I feel it is time for a revolution
in art. And I am looking forward to participating in it.