Page 143 - Art-In-Vogue
P. 143
cELEBRAtION, 2009 ACRYLIC ON CANvAS 28X36 IN. / 71X91 CM. «
teri leVine SPRINGtIME, 2006OIL ON CANvAS 24X30 IN. / 60,5X76 CM.
KItE FuN, 2010 OIL & ACRYLIC ON CANvAS 24X30 IN. / 60,5X76 CM.
Lives and works in Atlanta, gA, USA REFLEctING IN thE GARDEN, 2009 OIL ON CANvAS 36X28 IN. / 91X71 CM.
Each layer creates new forms that I respond to in making the painting.
I strive to combine expressionism with cubism and yet make the paintings
Gauguin once wrote about color as the language of the listening eye, understandable to the art critic and casual viewer. My work speaks to
that which helps our imagination soar with inner power and mystery. the universal human tendency to appreciate beauty and to find meaning
From the beginning of my explorations, color has always been my driving in abstraction.
interest, and the primary power in my work. By using oil and acrylic paints The appreciation of the beautiful is an essential aspect of humanity, and
as my surface, I create paintings emphasizing color juxtapositions and there is a positive, almost spiritual energy involved in experience of the
interactions. The flow of color and line, shape and form become intricately beautiful. By working to make color and light dance, I choose to focus on
interwoven as translucent and opaque layers of glaze are laid down. that part of humanity which offers hope, light, and promise.