Page 141 - Art-In-Vogue
P. 141

         Simon raaB                                               tIBEtAN FLAGS, 2008 POLYMERS, STAINLESS STEEL, WOOD FRAME 56,5X40 IN. /144X100 CM.
                                                                  cOMPLEXIFIcAtION, 2011 POLYMERS, STAINLESS STEEL, gRANITE 33X14,5X12 IN. /84X38X31 CM.
         Born in Toulouse, France. Lives and works in Santa Barbara, CA, USA
                                                                 not knowing. My art form is called Parleau, derived from the French "Par
         THE ARTIST ONLINE         l'eau", which means "through the water." It is a combination of painting
                                                                 and sculpture-images enamelled on metal foil and then formed by hand
                                                                 to different degrees of spatial reflective abstraction. It is a creative and
                                                                 destructive process, which adds a random moving character to the surface.
                                                                 Parleau evolves to simulate the essence of seeing images through the
                                                                 rippling surface of water which constantly change. The image of a face
                                                                 is at one moment kind, at another moment angry and cruel. By its very
                                                                 nature, something, which is always changing can never be an absolute.

         preconceptions and false anchors. I am attracted to neither the abstract
         nor the figurative, but rather the transition and confusion between the
         two. I find comfort in a figurative form and I am compelled to abstract it by
         deforming the surface. The result is a change in the pattern of colours and an
         altered way in which light is reflected. In my work, you may see something
         fleetingly familiar and comfortable, and my hope is to then take that away
         from you. It is all temporal, undefined, chaotic and uncomfortable. In the
         frustrating discomfort, I want you to relax and float on the turbulence of
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