Page 13 - Art-In-Vogue
P. 13

                                                                  NFtS 02, 2008 DIgITAL gRAPHIC /COMPUTER MANIPULATED PHOTOgRAPHY
         anDre ruSu                                               NFtS 03, 2008 DIgITAL gRAPHIC /COMPUTER MANIPULATED PHOTOgRAPHY
         Lives and works in Stockholm, Sweden and London, great Britain


         essay will be based on the three main “camps” but with their close relation to
         the consumer who is the ethos of this cultural field, making an ever-increasing
         dynamic ground, augmented with the advantages it brings to film makers,
         media producers, sellers and technology innovators.

         Despite economic decline which has become obvious in the past years, time
         based media entertainment has maintained a strong pace and development.
         The main advances in technology which I will explore in detail (their use and
         creative potential) are media-center mobile phones, their use approaches
         100 percent in Europe, this makes an enormous globalization impact on a
         scale that is shaping the constant flux of new mass portals of expression
         and entertainment, consumable/reusable, and effortless casual use make
         these gadgets break past limitations for the person who is a consumer, film
         maker and media producer. Being able to watch a film just at home or in the
         cinema has become an anachronism, equally the ways to sell and innovate
         films with this new medium has only started being eminent.
         Digital cameras (consumer/professional) are slowly making traditional film
         systems obsolete and revealing new internal and external uses within
         moving-image experience. This type of media is entering new venues and
         formats and also creating many new genres.

         Micro development of powerful affordable computers open the flood gates for
         infinite potential where information, material and the tools needed to create,
         post produce, showcase and sell time based media entertainment is open to
         everyone prepared to break new ground. This changes our perception of film,
         how we relate to it and the ideas on how we are expected to make them in
         our digital screen culture (dissertation treatment) These equally enable new
         strategies for dramatic investments and businesses, new ways for financial
         gain for media producers with lower costs of manufacturing and easier global
         distribution. The digital realm has become the easiest, fastest, cheapest and
         a powerful way to distribute and hook consumers; this is something I will
         analyze further as it plays a huge part in the reason for innovation.
         This study will also look at other technologies, which equally facilitate
         development and a strong desire for innovation and play a great role towards
         interactivity and reveal remarkable cultural shifts as media converge. There is
         an expansive disposition of nuances, variations and an array of technology,
         unlocking not only recycling of media, but easy, straightforward creation of
         high quality work done by amateurs and enthusiasts. It’s almost an absurd
         field in the quest for new ideas and ways to entertain through time based
         media has created an enormous desire for a search for what is not there in
         a world where everything seems to be here already, at odds with here-today
         gone-tomorrow projects. (excerpt).
                                          A Rusu, NFTS London 2009
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