Page 11 - Art-In-Vogue
P. 11

 AI .MGX, 2007 POLYAMIDE 13,5X13X15,5 IN. /35X34.1X40.1 CM. DESIgNED BY ASSA
                                                                  AShuAch FOR .MgX BY MATERIALISE.   «
         .mgX BY materialiSe                                       FORBIDDEN FRuIt .MGX, 2007 EPOXY 3D PRINTINg (STEREO LITHOgRAPHY) 15,5X10,5X2 IN. /
         Lives and works in Leuven, Belgium                       39.5X27.1X5 CM. DESIgNED BY DAN YEFFEt FOR .MgX BY MATERIALISE
                                                                   cOOKIE .MGX, 2009 EPOXY 3D PRINTINg (STEREO LITHOgRAPHY) LAMP HEIgHT: 58,5 IN.
                                                                  /149 CM. (SHADE ONLY: 10X4X9 IN. /26X11.3X23.3 CM.) DESIgNED BY MAXIMALDESIGN FOR
                                                                  THE WORk WERE PRODUCED IN BELgIUM BY .MgX BY MATERIALISE
         AI.MGX designed by Assa Ashuach for .MgX by Materialise:   This project importance lies not only in the actual results, but also in
         The AI.MgX stool is the first product to be designed using a combination   the research and development of new intelligent materials, design
         of 3D tools and artificial intelligence. Produced by laser sintering,   aesthetics and production methods.
         the chair consists of a cosmetic skin and intelligent soft and hard
         structures. Like the biological structure and mechanism of bone,   Cookie.MgX designed by MAXIMALdesign for .MgX by Materialize:
         the artificial intelligence software knows where to create sufficient   A fortune cookie is a thin, crisp cookie baked around a piece of paper
         support. The AI stool is an intelligent product that grows in free space   with words of faux wisdom or vague prophecy, usually served with
         with an artificial intelligence 'DNA' code. This code contains all of the   Chinese food as a dessert.  The message inside may also include a list of
         information required to ensure that the object will transform perfectly   lucky numbers and a Chinese phrase with translation.  The Cookie.MgX
         from a virtual design into a 3D object that achieves the optimum   floor lamp is based on this tradition.  It has an intriguing and inspiring
         strength or intelligent softness whilst maintaining the desired visual   shape, but the fortune only shows when the light is turned on.  It is
         aesthetic. The AI.MgX stool was designed to carry a load of 120kg on   projected onto the nearest surface, to brighten up the viewer's life...
         a sitting surface at a height of 40cm. The challenge was to design a
         form with the minimum volume required for a seat and then instruct   Forbidden Fruit .MgX designed by Dan Yeffet for .MgX by Materialize:
         the AI software to calculate the required support. The AI stool top layer   Working in association with  karen Rosenkranz, designer Dan Yeffet
         was designed to be soft and cushiony. How can softness be simulated   created the Forbidden Fruit. MgX fruit bowl, with its never-ending
         in the virtual environment? One of the great successes of this project   phrases, as a metaphor for the original sin.  The bowl was 3D printed
         was to generate and analyze virtual softness. The final AI.MgX stool   in one single piece using stereo lithography.
         met all of the mechanical requirements while using only 1/3 of the
         anticipated material.                                    granD PriZe AWARD OF DISTINCTION
                                                                  1.iBIENNIAL 2008-2010 / Biennial of Contemporary Art

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