Page 98 - Art-Addiction
P. 98
erICa WeIsZ-sCHWeIGer
Born in cluj-napoca, romania
lives and works in Beer-sheva, israel
My work is a lyrical and metaphorical expression of my personal life experience. It reflects the transfor-
mation that occurs inside the mind, a kind of mystical initiation. At the beginning I was a painter but I became
fascinated by the possibilities of haute-lisse weaving. I wanted to liberate the weaver’s rigidity, obsessed
with being locked between horizontal and vertical lines. I wanted to give weaving the credence, force, and
spontaneous gesture of a painter worker in slow motion. Am I a romantic? A symbolist? An expressionist?
Am I an abstract or figurative artist? I do not know. do I belong to the past or to the future? Perhaps to
neither. All I know is that when I have something to say artistically, I say it the best way I can.
FOrGOTTEN sHrINEs, 1987 tAPestry / hAute lisse WeAving 140 x 300 cM. / 55¼ x 118¼ in.
THE dEsErT IN BlOssOM, 1978-1979 tAPestry / hAute lisse WeAving 140 x 300 cM. / 55¼ x 118¼ in.
wINds aNd waVEs, 1990 tAPestry / hAute lisse WeAving 140 x 200 cM. / 55¼ x 78¾ in.
94 ARTaddiction