Page 44 - Art-Addiction
P. 44

rayMoNd HaMPtoN

       1956 born in orangeburg sc usA
       lives and works in orangeburg sc usA

         These work was prepared as a visual statement in the essentials of “paper construction /collage it
     consists chiefly of material i have used for the last six years in commercial gothic covering all aspect of visual
     aesthetic the work presupposes very little or no previous knowledge in the visual arts field illustrated, these
     contains more detailed draftsmanship than is usually found in the work simpler vision one of the most difficult
     feature’ s of many collage attempt, especially for the viewer is the overabundance of symbols. It is my conten-
     tion that the ideas and concept of “paper construction/collage. Are not difficult to visualize, they are made
     difficult only when they are surrounded by and constructed in a Heap of symbols in many instances a woo
     worded construction o f gothic which is to be visualize just as conveniently as aesthetic symbols and with
     more constructed applied understanding, even the word application process for equals is something preferable
     to the equality concept ; this concept is introduced in black/white it is explained and defined in ordinary visual
     everyday language material are accurate without being complicated by difficult visual -terminology. Although
     made- up from material used in paper construction/collage.
         The indifferent color is equally well suited to visual study. It is designed to enable a viewer to make a good
     visual progress in understand the visual statement without the aid of a personal curator. It is addressed to the
     visual artist viewer earnestly and diligently seeking knowledge explain in collage material is carefully shaped
     and each angle is a new visual process in visual and conceptually illustrated with examples at the same time/
     space there is ample opportunity for watcher/viewer in residence to vary this presentation to suit his/her own
     personal taste the visual work contains an adequate visual clue so that visual can be made for easy perception
     the subject matter is entirely general and is equally suitable for the beginning of a dimensional technical and no
     technical statement the aesthetic of the light bulb container can be used as a display facet  in all 3’d surface
     of visual statement reasoning is visually inductive rather than visual deductive. The emphasis is upon visual
     procedure and technique reasoning; not simply upon getting the right self - evident true my visual purpose is
     to have the artist get some understanding of the power and the visual aesthetic beauty as well as the practical
     utility of collage.
    { 1690 lUMINOUs (17 & 2), 2002 PAPer construction, collAge 13 x 19 x 11,5 cM. / 5 x 7½ x 4½ in.      
      THE IdOl wOrsHIpErs (Pre-siege & Post-siege), 2002 PAPer construction 16,5 x 11,5 x 11,5 cM. / 6½ x 4½ x 9 in.  
      THE ETErNITY OF THE GrEaT II, 2002  PAPer engineering construction 7½ x 4½ x 3 ½ in  
          IMpaTIENCE IN waITING, 2001 PAPer construction 21,5 x 38 cM. / 8½ x 15 in.

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