Page 40 - Art-Addiction
P. 40

orIt PINto

       1946 born in istambul, turkey
       lives and works in Amsterdam, holland

         The work has its roots in the phenomena and occurrences in life, which I cannot reconcile myself with.
     This results in a reaction, which is both a protest and a wish to show things in a different light. The work
     focuses on the human being, on what he inherits at birth and what he adds to that inheritance during his life.
     every idea is a reaction which in turn generates a consequent reaction. The course is characterized by a long,
     yet continuous process which passes through various stages. These stages of my work I distinguished as first,
     second, third period and so on. The reason why the style of my work shows no continuous flow is that each
     piece expresses a separate idea and is adjusted to the part of the subjects and the phase I was in. each piece
     of work is like a chapter of a book, it is spontaneous, unprecedented and unsearched.
         It is what I call ‘finding-time. You always can find the chain which connects all periods: the fear, hope,
     war, death and survival. In the present period there is a dramatic change. After a stoppage of several years
     new conditions occurred in my life and in my work. In my  work they affect subject, material, colors, size and
     the recycling of former artwork and the materials used paint, nylon, wood, sheets, clothes (of my deceased
     husband and myself) transforming them into a present existence here and now, cherishing their history.
         The present mixture of different styles originates from all previous periods. The known becomes unk-
     nown, new barriers and tension between old and new, being one with our separations, leading to an alien
     visual image. The occurring creation remains spontaneous and startling; the titles of the works are statements
     reflecting emotions and states of mind.
                                                                (OrIT PInTO, ”FinDing-tiMe”)

         lOOp HOlE, 1998 Acrylic on cAnvAs And Mixed-techniques 125 x 20 cM. / 49 x 8 in. 
         METEOr, 1998 Acrylic on cAnvAs And Mixed-techniques 48 x 55 cM. / 19 x 21½ in.  
        aMsTEd, 1998 Acrylic on cAnvAs And Mixed-techniques 160 x 40 cM. / 63 x 16 in.

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